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February Reefing Deals Are Here! Save BIG this month on top reefing brands! 🔹 10% OFF selected Kamoer products 🔹 30% OFF ClariSea Gen 3 & Gen 5 Automated Fleece Rollers 🔹 25% OFF selected Two Little Fishies equipment & tank maintainers Limited-time offers – only available in February! Shop now & save while stocks last!
February Reefing Deals Are Here! Save BIG this month on top reefing brands! 🔹 10% OFF selected Kamoer products 🔹 30% OFF ClariSea Gen 3 & Gen 5 Automated Fleece Rollers 🔹 25% OFF selected Two Little Fishies equipment & tank maintainers Limited-time offers – only available in February! Shop now & save while stocks last!

Salifert Si Silicate Profi Test

Original price $22.00 - Original price $22.00
Original price
$22.00 - $22.00
Current price $22.00

Silicate is commonly found in tap water or purified water when the RO or DI unit is malfunctioning. This can cause diatom blooms and potentially hinder the uptake of important trace elements like vanadium and molybdenum. With Salifert's accurate and highly sensitive test kit, you can easily detect silicate levels in your water. Each kit provides approximately 60 tests with a range of 0.03 - 30 ppm as SiO2. Si Silicate 60 Tests.

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