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🌊 March Reef Deals Are Here! For this month only, enjoy 10% OFF: 🐠 Nyos Floating Fish Traps – Catch with ease! 🔧 Ecotech Vectra Pumps – Power up your flow! 📅 Hurry—offer ends March 31st! Shop now & save! 🛒
🌊 March Reef Deals Are Here! For this month only, enjoy 10% OFF: 🐠 Nyos Floating Fish Traps – Catch with ease! 🔧 Ecotech Vectra Pumps – Power up your flow! 📅 Hurry—offer ends March 31st! Shop now & save! 🛒

Detailed Acclimation Guide

Welcome to The Coral Shop! Proper acclimation of your new marine life is crucial for their health and well-being. Follow this step-by-step guide to ensure a smooth transition into your aquarium.

Step-by-Step Acclimation Process:

  1. Preparation:

    • Gather Supplies: You’ll need a clean bucket, airline tubing, and a clip or valve to control the drip rate.
    • Dim the Lights: Turn off the aquarium lights to minimize stress on your new arrivals.
  2. Floating the Bag:

    • Temperature Equalization: Float the sealed bag in your aquarium for 15-20 minutes. This step helps equalize the temperature inside the bag with your tank water.
  3. Drip Acclimation:

    • Open the Bag: After floating, carefully open the bag and gently place the coral or marine life into a clean bucket.
    • Set Up Drip Line: Use airline tubing to create a siphon from your aquarium to the bucket. Control the flow to drip at a rate of 2-3 drops per second.
    • Double the Volume: Allow the water in the bucket to slowly double in volume. This process typically takes about 45 minutes to an hour.
  4. Transfer to Aquarium:

    • Gently Transfer: Use a soft net to gently transfer your marine life from the bucket to the aquarium. Avoid pouring water from the bucket into the tank.
  5. Post-Acclimation Care:

    • Monitor: Keep an eye on your new additions for any signs of stress or aggression from other tank inhabitants.
    • Feeding: Wait 24 hours before feeding to allow them to adjust to their new environment.


  • Signs of Stress: Look for unusual behavior such as rapid breathing or hiding. Ensure water parameters are optimal.
  • Aggression: If other fish are aggressive, consider rearranging tank decorations to disrupt established territories.

Thank you for choosing The Coral Shop. Proper acclimation is critical for the health of your marine life. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at:

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