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🌊 March Reef Deals Are Here! For this month only, enjoy 10% OFF: 🐠 Nyos Floating Fish Traps – Catch with ease! 🔧 Ecotech Vectra Pumps – Power up your flow! 📅 Hurry—offer ends March 31st! Shop now & save! 🛒
🌊 March Reef Deals Are Here! For this month only, enjoy 10% OFF: 🐠 Nyos Floating Fish Traps – Catch with ease! 🔧 Ecotech Vectra Pumps – Power up your flow! 📅 Hurry—offer ends March 31st! Shop now & save! 🛒

Western Australia Import Requirements for Crustaceans and Non Native Fish

At The Coral Shop, we are always trying to make sure that we are abiding by the proper rules and regulations when it comes to each individual states import requirements for livestock. The following information contains some frequently asked questions for W.A. residents only, and we highly recommend that before you purchase any livestock or crustaceans from us, that you thoroughly understand the import rules before making a purchase. Attached is some information passed on from W.A. border security to consider when making a purchase to ensure that you are taking the necessary steps to ensure compliance. 

  • What are the primary import requirements I should be aware of when dealing with decapod crustaceans?

    • The most crucial import requirements to consider are related to preventing the spread of White Spot Disease (WSD). Crustaceans and polychaete/bristle worms can carry this disease, even when frozen. WSD is caused by the white spot syndrome virus, which may not always be visible on animals and might only become apparent in stressed individuals.
    • Are there specific requirements for importing non-native fish to Western Australia?

      • Yes, it's important to ensure that any fish which are not native to Western Australia receive translocation approval before importation. However, most fish and coral we have available at The Coral Shop are either obtained from commercial collectors or fragged, reducing the likelihood of this being an issue. If you decide to purchase livestock from us, the responsibility is still your risk. 
    • Can I safely transport livestock, including marine species, to Western Australia?

      • Livestock, especially most marine species, are commonly freighted to Western Australia with no issues. They typically do not pose a risk to the movement of invasive aquatic plants and snails.
    • Who can I contact for further assistance or if I have questions about these import requirements?

      We hope this W.A. FAQ page helps clarify the essential import requirements for decapod crustaceans and other marine life when dealing with Western Australia. If you have further inquiries or require specific guidance, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our team or the relevant authorities. Your commitment to compliance ensures the health and safety of marine ecosystems in WA.

If you are from W.A. and are interested in purchasing livestock or crustaceans from us, please contact us at: beforehand to discuss how this may affect you. 

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