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February Reefing Deals Are Here! Save BIG this month on top reefing brands! 🔹 10% OFF selected Kamoer products 🔹 30% OFF ClariSea Gen 3 & Gen 5 Automated Fleece Rollers 🔹 25% OFF selected Two Little Fishies equipment & tank maintainers Limited-time offers – only available in February! Shop now & save while stocks last!
February Reefing Deals Are Here! Save BIG this month on top reefing brands! 🔹 10% OFF selected Kamoer products 🔹 30% OFF ClariSea Gen 3 & Gen 5 Automated Fleece Rollers 🔹 25% OFF selected Two Little Fishies equipment & tank maintainers Limited-time offers – only available in February! Shop now & save while stocks last!

Fauna Marin Coral Balance 250ml

Original price $45.95 - Original price $45.95
Original price
$45.95 - $45.95
Current price $45.95

Gain insight from customer feedback with Fauna Marin Coral Balance, a modern nutrient control system designed to increase metabolic turnover rates. This coral food, nutrient, and water conditioner contains natural marine biopolymers that effectively enhance coral growth and coloration, while stabilizing acid-base regulation and reducing phosphate levels. Use one measuring spoon for every 200 litres of water every 4 days, mixed with aquarium water and added to a high-flow area for optimal distribution. For tanks over 2 years old or with PO4 levels above 0.15 ppm, reduce dosing by 50%. When used with Reef Vitality, cut dosing of both products in half. Contents include marine organic polymers, mineral carriers, inorganic auxiliary substances, and trace elements.


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