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February Reefing Deals Are Here! Save BIG this month on top reefing brands! 🔹 10% OFF selected Kamoer products 🔹 30% OFF ClariSea Gen 3 & Gen 5 Automated Fleece Rollers 🔹 25% OFF selected Two Little Fishies equipment & tank maintainers Limited-time offers – only available in February! Shop now & save while stocks last!
February Reefing Deals Are Here! Save BIG this month on top reefing brands! 🔹 10% OFF selected Kamoer products 🔹 30% OFF ClariSea Gen 3 & Gen 5 Automated Fleece Rollers 🔹 25% OFF selected Two Little Fishies equipment & tank maintainers Limited-time offers – only available in February! Shop now & save while stocks last!

Fauna Marin Bacto Reef Balls 100ml

Original price $65.95 - Original price $65.95
Original price
$65.95 - $65.95
Current price $65.95

Benefit from the millions of live reef-bacteria and enzymes in Bacto Reef Balls, making dosing marine bacteria's easy and efficient. Enjoy crystal clear and healthy water with improved nutrition control and decreased levels of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and phosphates. These balls also clean up organic waste and detritus, while promoting efficient skimming. With a long-lasting depot effect, each dosing can last up to 3 weeks, reducing filter maintenance and eliminating unwanted bacteria and algae. Perfectly tailored for use in seawater aquariums.

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