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February Reefing Deals Are Here! Save BIG this month on top reefing brands! 🔹 10% OFF selected Kamoer products 🔹 30% OFF ClariSea Gen 3 & Gen 5 Automated Fleece Rollers 🔹 25% OFF selected Two Little Fishies equipment & tank maintainers Limited-time offers – only available in February! Shop now & save while stocks last!
February Reefing Deals Are Here! Save BIG this month on top reefing brands! 🔹 10% OFF selected Kamoer products 🔹 30% OFF ClariSea Gen 3 & Gen 5 Automated Fleece Rollers 🔹 25% OFF selected Two Little Fishies equipment & tank maintainers Limited-time offers – only available in February! Shop now & save while stocks last!

Fauna Marin AEFW X 500ML

Original price $89.95 - Original price $185.95
Original price
$89.95 - $185.95
Current price $89.95

AEFW X is specifically formulated to target Acropora flatworms (commonly known as AEFW and NAEFW). Its unique composition disrupts larval development, preventing the production of reproductive adults. In addition, it prevents adult flatworms from reproducing and halts their growth. This effective treatment is safe for use in reef tanks and will not harm other tank inhabitants. For best results, we recommend a treatment period of 4-6 weeks to ensure all flatworms are eliminated. If needed, treatment can be continued indefinitely. Please read the HTU AEFW X before use and follow the recommended dosage and application instructions. Typically, after 4-6 weeks of treatment, tanks are free of flatworms and acroporids show improved health with enhanced immune systems and reduced susceptibility to new infections. Dosage for acute infections is 4 ml per 100 litres (26 USgal) daily, while prevention only requires 2 ml per 100 litres


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