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Stay Tuned! Our February Specials Are Dropping Soon – Exclusive Deals You Won’t Want to Miss!
Stay Tuned! Our February Specials Are Dropping Soon – Exclusive Deals You Won’t Want to Miss!

Ecotech Barb and Screen for Vectra M2 Pump

Original price $34.95 - Original price $34.95
Original price
$34.95 - $34.95
Current price $34.95

Ecotech Barb and Screen for Vectra M2 Pump

Protective Barb and screen kit for the M2 pump to prevent large solids from entering and damaging the pump.

The included screen fitting will keep large debris that would normally cause damage and extreme wear to a pump from entering the pump. Since the screen is normally being pulled into the pump no solvent is needed to connect the screen to the pump inlet.

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