Aquaforest AF Marine Flakes
AF Marine Flakes is a plant-based fish food presented in flake form, featuring a unique addition of nori algae. This groundbreaking formula was crafted to offer fish not just a comprehensive and balanced diet but also a distinctive taste and health benefits.
Flakes stand out as the most widely favored form of fish sustenance in the aquarium realm. Now, they are also offered in a version meticulously tailored for herbivorous saltwater fish, and can equally be employed for freshwater aquarium fish.
What distinguishes AF Marine Flakes? Primarily, the exceptional incorporation of nori algae, serving as an exceptional source of valuable nutrients. Nori algae sheets are directly infused into the flakes, providing a rich blend of vitamins, minerals, and proteins crucial for the proper development and functioning of fish.
Furthermore, this fish food boasts a generous amount of spirulina – a renowned superfood recognized for its elevated levels of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Spirulina not only delivers essential nutrients but also aids in the natural digestive processes of fish, contributing to the preservation of their health and vitality.